What Is Super Computer? Explanation Of Super Computer!? - FAST TECH


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Wednesday, 10 May 2023

What Is Super Computer? Explanation Of Super Computer!?

Back in half a century, even the smallest computer at that time occupied a whole room. And today, with the use of microchip, more powerful computers have been pocketed in the past. But have you ever wondered, if these small chips are made of a house-size computer then how strong will it be? Is it possible to create a super computer? -Will get more than a million times your laptop or desktop to get super computing, and can solve any complex scientific problem in the world

Today’s question is, what type of feature helps to make a simple computer super-computer? How different is a super-computer from your current computer? Let’s learn about all the information about super computing

What is a super computer?

So, because of some super characteristics, a computer is called super-computer? The computer is flying because of? Computer CPU’s laser light fence because of? Not because of the building with ammunition and cannons? Hey one minute! This is not super man, super-computer!

In simple language, computers can be extremely fast, solve complex scientific problems, or predict weather, or just say what the climate of 2050 will be and how many such amazing works can be computerized as a super computer. Now you might ask, how fast the computer to work? If my computer has more RAM and more core processors, more GPUs, but can I be super computing? In order to fully understand the definition that I gave to the super-computer in “simple language”, you have to be aware of certain terms first.


IBM’s supercomputer, which is operated on 250,000 processors:

See, before entering the main question today we need to know what is the computer? This is basically a machine that completes any normal work. It takes an input to the first input (data), then processing them on your own, and eventually an output result appears in front of you. In fact, super-computer means that there must be a huge giant computer, or you should be able to fly million-billion times faster than your normal computer, but this is not the case; Actually it uses a completely different method to complete any work. Like your normal desktop or laptop, it does a lot of work at a time, not just doing one thing at a time. And this is basically the main feature that makes a computer a super computer.


Serial and parallel processing:

What is the difference between serial and parallel processing? A simple computer can do one thing at a time, ie, to complete a task, it provides output of the job by completing one after another process. And this is called serial processing. Now you might say, “I play music with my computer at the same time, browse the internet and render the video, and you say one thing at a time”? Actually, your computer can complete a few million orders per second, in this case you have a real-time serial no matter what you do. Let’s try to make the subject more clear by a nice example. Imagine a simple shopkeeper, think you went to his shop and asked him to pack a 1 kg of dough. Now what he will do – he will first get up from his seat, then go to the rack to keep the packet of flour, bring the flour packet, hand it over to you, and calculate your given cash and keep it in the drawer. Now, see how fast he got up from his seat, or how quickly he took flour from the rack and handed it to you. It is not the main issue. The main thing is that he is only doing one thing at a particular time. No matter how quickly he supplies you, he is doing one thing at a time and providing service to you by doing one after another. In this way, normal computers complete the work.

But today’s modern supercomputers work using a completely different method. It divides the work into several parts and simultaneously processes them, and this system is called parallel processing. Think of it as the example above

Thank you so much 

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